Loans "Energy efficient"

Green Loans

Loans "Energy efficient"

Заголовок калькулятора:  Calculate the loan

Interest rates: 
  • Interest rate (%) - 17*; Currency - KGS; Minimum amount - 1000001; Maximum amount - 36000000; Minimum period, months - 1; Maximum period, months - 60; Calculate at the current exchange rate (Y/N) - ;
  • Interest rate (%) - 10*; Currency - USD; Minimum amount - ; Maximum amount - ; Minimum period, months - 1; Maximum period, months - 60; Calculate at the current exchange rate (Y/N) - Y;

Цели кредита:  Up to KGS 36 000 000 or equivalent in USD / To 60 months / Purposes: Energy saving (replacement of current equipment with more energy-efficient equipment (consuming less energy/electricity) at the enterprise / Water purification, water use, water conservation, etc. / Renewable energy production / Insulation/thermal insulation of business premises: workshops, hotels, factories, etc. (replacement of windows, insulation of walls, roofs and other insulation measures) / Resource saving / * The Bank’s authorized body shall reserve the right to change the established tariffs on interest rates / Effective interest rate: USD from 11.2%, KGS from 17,5%