
The Procedure for Consideration of Complaints and Suggestions

Dear Clients!

We gratefully accept your feedback, complaints, and suggestions, as they help us improve our work, and thus you make a valuable contribution to the process of enhancing the work of KICB.

You can submit a complaint or proposal to the Bank in the following ways:

  • Submit a complaint/suggestion to the Book of Complaints and Suggestions in any branch of the Bank;
  • Contact the round-the-clock Contact Center by phone numbers +996 (312/553/774/704) 620101;
  • Apply through the official website of the bank, section "Feedback";
  • Send a letter to the postal address:
    720040, Erkindik ave. 21, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
  • Contact the head of the Bank branch;
  • Contact the head of the Bank.

All work with complaints is coordinated by the Customer Service Unit.

Complaints received by the Bank are registered at the Head Office. Anonymous complaints (without specifying the last name, first name, patronymic, contact details) are not accepted for consideration.

When a complaint is received, the Customer Service Unit shall determine the person responsible for resolving the complaint, and information about the complaint is sent to the Bank's management. When considering a complaint, an internal investigation and a comprehensive analysis of the complaint shall be carried out.

Based on the results of the work performed, a response to the client shall be prepared. The form of providing a response (written/oral) depends on the preferences of the client, in some cases - on the nature of the complaint. The answer to the complaint to the client is coordinated by the Bank branch with the Customer Service Unit and, if necessary, with the head of the Bank.

The term for providing a response to clients is up to 10 business days, except for complaints that require a large amount of work. If it is not possible to provide the client with a response within the established time limit, the Bank informs the client of a new deadline for providing the response.

The procedure of reception and consideration of proposals from clients is similar to the procedure for handling complaints.

If you need legal advice from the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic (NBKR), you can contact the NBKR at the following addresses:

  • National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic, Chui ave. 168, Bishkek - (0312) 615278
  • Osh regional department, Kurmanjan Datka str.119, Osh - (03222) 48463
  • Naryn regional department, Zhamgyrchy uulu Abas str. 6, Naryn - (03522) 50472
  • Issyk-Kul regional department, Toktogul, str. 265, Karakol - (03922) 51253
  • Jalal-Abad regional department, Erkindik str. 13, Jalal-Abad - (03722) 23884
  • Talas Regional Administration, Berdike Baatyr str. 291, Talas - (03422) 52377
  • Representative office of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic in Batken region, Sadykov str. 3, Batken - (03622) 50446

Visitor Reception Time

Dear Clients!

The management of CJSC "Kyrgyz Investment and Credit Bank" thanks you for choosing our Bank. KICB always follows the principle of an individual approach and is ready to assist in any issues related to the products and services of the bank.

For your convenience, we have established a time for receiving visitors according to the schedule provided below:

  • Reception with Tairova Elena Olegovna (Management Member/Chief Business Officer) is carried out at the Retail Business Center:
    Tuesday, Thursday from 17.00 to 18.00
  • Reception with the Head of the Operations Department or branch (at the place of application):
    Tuesday, Thursday from 17.00 to 18.00

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