"Online Ykcham" loan


"Online Ykcham" loan

Get first KGS 5000 without %

Заголовок блока "Условия кредита":  Conditions

Заголовок калькулятора:  Loan calculator

Interest rates: 
  • Interest rate (%) - 30*; Currency - KGS; Minimum amount - 500; Maximum amount - 50000; Minimum period, months - 1; Maximum period, months - 2; Calculate at the current exchange rate (Y/N) - ;

Цели кредита:  For individuals up to KGS 15,000 / For participants in the bank’s payroll projects up to KGS 50,000 / Up to 2 months. No surety required, no guarantor required. Quick review of the application 1-2 hours / Visit Bank one time, sign the agreement and receive loans online in electronic wallet ELSOM within 2 years.  / Effective interest rate: KGS from 34,1% / * The Bank’s authorized body shall reserve the right to change the established tariffs on interest rates