CJSC "Jubilee" Kyrgyzstan Insurance Company" is a subsidiary of KICB and one of the three leaders in the insurance market of Kyrgyzstan. Jubilee Kyrgyzstan has large experience of work with enterprises and organizations of various scales and profiles, for which a complex of insurance programs and products are developed that take into account the specifics of the business.

Company services for corporate clients:
- Company property: Protection of the business from unexpected expenses in case of a fire or other disaster that causes serious damage to buildings, structures and other company property.
- Voluntary health insurance: Insurance that provides the insured person with access to a wide range of quality medical services.
- Insurance of contractors against all risks: Accident insurance helps to increase the effectiveness of employee protection in terms of existing occupational risks. A social package, which includes accident insurance and VHI, along with salary, is a key component of the material motivation of employees.
- Comprehensive banking insurance: Bankers Blanket Bond is the basis of bank insurance against criminal activities.
- Mandatory types of civil liability insurance: A form of insurance where insurance relations between the insurer and the insured person arise by virtue of law.
You can find detailed information on the website: https://jubileeinsurance.kg.