SME loans "Business and Agro"

Let there be a harvest!

from 700001 KGS
or equivalent in USD / EUR

KGS from 19%

USD from 12%

EUR from 8%

SME loans
SME loans
SME loans
Corporate loan for replenishment of working capital

We will develop the optimal credit solution for your business

from 26 mln KGS
or equivalent in USD / EUR

KGS from 16%

USD from 7,5%

EUR from 7%

Corporate loan for replenishment of working capital
Corporate loan for replenishment of working capital
Corporate loan for replenishment of working capital
Corporate loan for investment purposes

We develop a regulated credit solution for your business

from 26 mln KGS
or equivalent in USD / EUR

KGS from 16%

USD from 7,5%

EUR from 7%

Corporate loan for investment purposes
Corporate loan for investment purposes
Corporate loan for investment purposes
  • Corporate credit line

    • Interest rate

    • Currency

    • Amount

    • Term

    • from 16*%

    • KGS

    • to 450 000 000

    • to 36 months

    • from 7,5*%

    • USD

    • to 5 000 000

    • to 36 months

    • from 7*%

    • EUR

    • to 5 000 000

    • to 36 months

    Corporate credit line
  • SME loans "Business and Agro"

    • Interest rate

    • Currency

    • Amount

    • Term

    • from 19*%

    • KGS

    • to 26 000 000

    • to 120 months

    • from 12*%

    • USD

    • to 302 680

    • to 120 months

    • from 8*%

    • EUR

    • to 278 670

    • to 120 months

    SME loans "Business and Agro"
  • Corporate loan for investment purposes

    • Interest rate

    • Currency

    • Amount

    • Term

    • from 16*%

    • KGS

    • to 450 000 000

    • to 120 months

    • from 7,5*%

    • USD

    • to 5 238 650

    • to 120 months

    • from 7*%

    • EUR

    • to 4 823 150

    • to 120 months

    Corporate loan for investment purposes
  • Corporate loan for replenishment of working capital

    • Interest rate

    • Currency

    • Amount

    • Term

    • from 16%

    • KGS

    • to 450 000 000

    • to 36 months

    • from 7,5%

    • USD

    • to 5 238 650

    • to 36 months

    • from 7%

    • EUR

    • to 4 823 150

    • to 36 months

    Corporate loan for replenishment of working capital