Internet acquiring

Expand your business:
accept payments online via the Internet with Visa, MasterCard, Elcard bank cards, ELSOM wallet!

Internet acquiring
Internet acquiring
Internet acquiring
Internet acquiring from KICB - expand your business: accept payments online via the Internet with Visa , Elcard , ELSOM wallets!


  • Convenient means of payment

    Convenient means of payment

    an additional convenient service for non-cash transactions using bank cards.

  • Increasing competitiveness

    Increasing competitiveness

    Increasing sales volume through new customers.

  • Cost reduction

    Cost reduction

    For cash processing, for organizing an offline store, renting a trading floor, etc.

  • 24/7


    Payment acceptance

  • Security


    3D Secure for VISA cards.

  • Risk reduction

    Risk reduction

    When paying in cash, for example, counterfeit banknotes.

How can I connect?

Open a payment page on the website

Open a payment page on the website

Fill out an application

Fill out an application

3.	Submit the completed application to the nearest branch of the bank

3. Submit the completed application to the nearest branch of the bank

Sign the  contract

Sign the contract

Open and replenish deposits online

KICB application

Connect ELSOM Internet acquiring and accept payment through the application or website. Convenient for online business.

  • Сonnection and wallet service FREE

  • Promotion of your Company through ELSOM channels (social networks, website, mobile application)FREE

  • Transfer to a card or current account in KICB CJSCFREE

  • В любое время

    24/7 payment acceptance

  • Экономия

    Cost reduction

    for cash processing

Окно Элсом на ноутбуке

How can I connect?

Sign a cooperation agreement

Sign a cooperation agreement

Implement the API protocol on the website or application with the Bank

Implement the API protocol on the website or application with the Bank

Сотрудница KICB

Internet Acquiring Application